Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Right Way

Jude 1:23 Save others by snatching them from the fire. To others, show mercy with fear, hating even the clothes stained by their sinful lives.

I think I know something of the human spirit
only those that have died twice can hear it
the beginning of the trumpet's call
for all those who've been standing close and far
those like me far enough
to feel the heat
the earth's spewing up
wake up with singed hair and feet

Then at some point you decide there's no doing
that won't lead to your ruin
as long as you're a truant
from the Truth

Waves and wells, waters in spells
all illusions
there's no light here
just a hungry night
no love
no purpose
no vision
praying for the next beat to end
of this chorus of wailing and then
I realize, this isn't a dream this is the afterlife
and hell has no exit.