Friday, September 23, 2011


Years of fatefulness
To be torn by the ones you love
Understanding we are often under the sway
of the enemy of our souls
we wound
shall we not forgive the ones that wounded us?

This God Jehovah
commanded love
to come and life forevermore
and His justice complete
requires we wash the feet of the ones
that for years or weeks
maligned us

When you feel the nails penetrating your flesh
at the moment when the pain is fresh
while the spit is still on your cheek
understand the way of the meek
and forgive and bless them.

Pslam 27:5

"For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock."

I'm in the pit.
They can't find me now.
I'm in the darkest place,
in the a gloom
where they cannot pursue.

Why do you cry your blood is enough
to cover me?

I am in the womb of preparation.
Immersed in the waters of affliction.
And you know I'm here.
But, they can't find me.
No one pursues me now.

In this place, I must patiently wait
to be lifted up.


Sexually Abused child.Image via WikipediaOf the pain of being sexually abused.

See the one that was broken and crushed
over and over--
See the one that was burned beyond
cast out like dust and scattered as

See her in perfection
made new as a jewel
not left in her blood and shame

And they that looked upon her nakedness,
those that saw her polluted in her own blood,
and walked by on the other way,
them she is restored to save.

Blessed healing
Only heaven can touch
Windows to my soul
my dread
my red tidings cried out to Him
now I am standing in the courts of the King
I am the resurrection and the life.

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